
Governance Arrangements

Following reviews in 2020 and 2021, in September 2022, the Arthur Terry Learning Partnership implemented a new model for local school oversight. Defined academy representative roles known as Advocates (formerly known as Governors) collaborate with school leaders and Trustees to enhance the strategic priorities of individual schools and the Trust as a whole.

The structure reflects the Trust and its school’s single shared vision, a single Board of trustees and a single scheme of delegation. The governance structure is designed to reflect the overall legal responsibility of the Trust Board, and the direct link between individual school representation to both individual school and trustees.

Our Advocates are:

Support and Challenge : to be confirmed

Vulnerable Children : to be confirmed

Safeguarding : to be confirmed

Community : to be confirmed

For information about declarations of interest and committee membership/attendance please see the governance page on the ATLP website (

Our Previous Governors’ Section (until 31/05/24)

Please find below details of how our Governing Board was structured, including the names, categories, responsibilities and terms of appointment for each Governor.

We have also provided a Register of Governor Interests and an Annual Statement of Issues for your information.

Our Clerk of Governors was Mrs. Maureen Bowyer.

Governing Board – Code of Conduct (until 31/05/23)

Governing Board Membership Details (until 31/05/24)

Instrument of Governance (until 31/05/24)

Schools financial benchmarking (until 31/05/24)

Governors until 31/05/24

Mrs S. Brewer
Category of Governor:-Head Teacher
Date Appointed:-22nd May 2023
Term of Office:-Ex-officio by virtue of office as Interim Head Teacher
Committees:-All Committees                         
Other School Governor Posts held:-None
Business interests declared:-None
Ms. J. Mason
Category of Governor:-Co-opted
Date Appointed:-8th November 2021
Term of Office:-End Date – 27th January 2026
Committees:-Full Governing Board
Finance First Committee
Governor Positions:-Chair of Full Governing BoardSafeguarding GovernorPupil Premium GovernorData GovernorPE Funding GovernorCurriculum Governor
Other School Governor Posts held:-None
Business/Finance interests declared:-Yes. 
Supply Teacher – Blackwood School 
Saturday School Success                         
Mrs. P. Whyte
Category of Governor:-Co-opted
Date Appointed:-20th May 2019
Term of Office:-End Date – 4th June 2027       
Committees:-Full Governing Board
Governor Positions:-Vice-Chair of GovernorsAttendance GovernorWellbeing Governor
Other School Governor Posts held:-None
Business/Finance interests declared:-None
Mrs. V. Gay
Category of Governor:-Co-opted
Date Appointed:-20th May 2019
Term of Office:-End Date – 4th June 2027        
Committees:-Full Governing Board
Finance First Committee
Governor Positions:-GDPR GovernorCurriculum Governor
Other School Governor Posts held:-None
Business/Finance interests declared:-None
Mr C. Downes
Category of Governor:-Staff
Date Appointed:-26th June 2023
Term of Office:-25th June 2027
Committees:-Full Governing Board       
Governor Positions:-TBC
Other School Governor Posts held:-None
Business/Finance interests declared:-None
Mr. J. Islam
Category of Governor:-Local Authority (LA)                    
Date Appointed:-3rd January 2023
Term of Office:-End Date – 2nd January 2027
Committees:-Full Governing Board
Governor Positions:-N/A
Other School Governor Posts held:-None
Business/Finance interests declared:-None
Category of Governor:-Parent – vacant
Date Appointed:- 
Term of Office:-End Date – 
Governor Positions:- 
Other School Governor Posts held:- 
Business/Finance interests declared:-      
Category of Governor:-Parent – vacant
Date Appointed:- 
Term of Office:-End Date –            
Governor Positions:- 
Other School Governor Posts held:- 
Business/Finance interests declared:- 
Dr. M. Gilligan
Category of Governor:-Co-opted 
Date Appointed:-6th November 2023
Term of Office:-End Date – 5th November 2027
Governor Positions:-Full Governing Board
Other School Governor Posts held:- 
Business/Finance interests declared:- School and Governor Support                         
Mrs. M. Bowyer
Category of Governor:-N/A
Date Appointed:-3rd May 2016
Term of Office:-End Date – 31st December 3000          
Committees:-All Committees
Governor Positions:-Clerk of Governors
Complaints – Parents & Staff:               Members will be taken from the Full Governing Board with the exception of the staff governors.

Discipline – Staff:
Exclusions, Racist & Equality: