Reading is an essential element of all learning. At Deykin Avenue we aim to teach the skills of reading and to foster a lifelong love of language. From their first days in Reception, children will be read to and have access to a wide variety of books to look at for their own pleasure. As they work through the Read, Write Inc phonics scheme and become more confident with sounding out and blending words, they will begin to bring home decodable books that match their ability. This careful matching of books continues throughout Reception and Key Stage 1as children progress through the Read, Write Inc scheme.
All children at Deykin Avenue have the opportunity to visit our school library at least once a week. Here they are able to choose a book that interests them and borrow it to enjoy at home. There is a variety of fiction and non-fiction books available to the children, and the library will be available to parents after school on certain days.
School has also purchased the MyOn reading scheme, which provides an online library of over 5000 books that are matched to individual children. We are beginning the process of getting children set up on the scheme and as soon as it is ready we will give you more information. Watch this space!
We want every child to develop a love of reading. By giving them the skills they need early in their school career, we hope that they are able to discover the pleasure of reading. Parents are also important in this journey, encouraging children to read not just stories but non-fiction, signs, leaflets, newspapers, and anything else that they can.
Below are some images of the keywords that children need to be able to read and spell as they move through school. These will be given as homework and will be reinforced in class on a daily basis. Examples of sound mats that are used in class are also shown below.
Word lists

Example RWI Sound Mat

Writing rhymes for letters

Simple & Complex Speed Sounds