
At Deykin Avenue School, the teaching of geography is linked to the curriculum topics for each year group. We use the National Curriculum to support our planning and we provide opportunities for the children to develop their geographical knowledge, understanding and skills.

At KS1, this will include:

  • developing their use of geographical vocabulary, both physical e.g. beach, cliff, sea, ocean, and human features e.g. city, town, factory etc.
  • using simple compass directions
  • using a range of resources e.g. maps, aerial photographs, globes
  • naming, locating and identifying the four countries and capital cities of the United Kingdom
  • naming, locating and identifying the world’s seven continents and five oceans

At KS2, this will include:

  • expanding their use of and understanding of geographical vocabulary
  • using the eight points of a compass
  • locating the world’s countries
  • describing and understanding key aspects of physical and human geography, including climate zones, earthquakes, volcanoes etc. and types of settlement and land use, economic activity including trade links

Geography Curriculum – Reception to Year 6