
At Deykin Avenue School, the teaching of history is linked to the curriculum topics for each year group. We use the National Curriculum to support our planning and we provide opportunities for the children to develop their knowledge and understanding of historical events, people and places. We believe that through the teaching of history, children can gain knowledge about significant historical events, people and places, which enables them to make sense of the world around them. History plays a key role in preparing children for life in modern Britain, as it enables children to gain a deep knowledge and broader understanding of the history of the United Kingdom and the world.

At KS1, children will:

  • learn about changes within living memory
  • learn about historical events, places and people, for example, The Great Fire of London
  • learn about events beyond living memory
  • develop their understanding of chronology

At KS2, this will include:

  • expanding their knowledge of an aspect or theme in history that extends their chronological knowledge
  • carrying out a local history study
  • learning about the Roman Empire, Anglo-Saxons, The Vikings, The Aztecs, The Egyptians and Ancient Greece
  • learning about significant natural disasters
  • learning about key events, for example World War II, Windrush, the sinking of the Titanic

History Curriculum – Reception to Year 6