Religious Education

All children irrespective of social background, culture, race, religion, gender or differences in ability or disabilities, are entitled to a programme of teaching and learning in religious education.

At Deykin Avenue School we believe that all children should develop mutual respect and understanding of the many different faiths and cultures in the community in which they live and that of the United Kingdom and the world.

We follow the Birmingham agreed syllabus, which was developed by the main faith leaders in Birmingham in 2007. This makes it more meaningful to the pupils within our school and the resources often feature areas and aspects of Birmingham, making it more relevant. The point of RE is to help children appreciate what it is that inspires ordinary people to ‘love God’ and to avoid ‘being selfish’ and ‘self-centred’. What is it that people live by and live for? What is it that makes people happy? In RE, the deepest values of human life are shared and discussed. It is not about enforcing a particular religion, but looking at how the different religions deal with core issues.

Pupils will learn from faith as the dispositions draw on the beliefs, expressions, and practical actions of religious traditions. This will enable pupils to develop their knowledge, their abilities and skills with others in society through looking at key questions. They will recognise spiritual and moral dispositions and qualities. The curriculum revisits areas in different key stages, developing understanding as the pupils mature in their thinking.

Religious Education Curriculum