
At Deykin Avenue School, we recognise the importance that science has in our everyday lives.  Through weekly science lessons, we aim to enable our children to develop their knowledge and understanding of science and the world around them. We provide opportunities for children to experience science in a practical, hands on way. Our aim is for children to develop their curiosity and be confident to ask questions and to seek answers so that when they leave Deykin Avenue School, they have a range of scientific skills.

In addition to weekly science lessons, opportunities are provided for children to consolidate their learning; this includes visits to farms, zoos, Leicester Space Centre and for visitors to come into school e.g. the animal man.

In KS1, children will:

  • work scientifically, asking questions and suggesting answers, observing closely, performing simple tests, identifying and classifying, suggesting answers to questions and gather and record data
  • study plants, animals, everyday materials, seasonal changes, living things and habitats

In KS2, children will build on their knowledge and skills and will:

  • continue to work scientifically but in more depth, for example using results to draw simple conclusions, make predictions and suggest improvements and raise further questions
  •  study plants, animals, rocks, light, forces, sound, living things and their habitats, states of matter, sound and electricity in lower KS2 (Yr3/Yr4)
  •  study living things and habitats, animals, properties of materials,

Earth, space, forces, evolution and light, electricity in lower (Yr3/Yr4)

Science Curriculum Overview