
If you would like your child to attend our school, please see full details of our admission arrangements below. 


Admission limits are normally based on classes of 30 pupils. The agreed policy of the Authority, Advisors and the Teachers’ Association is that class sizes should be kept as small as possible within the constraints under which we have to work. It is considered educationally undesirable for classes to exceed 30, particularly when there are suitable places available at neighbouring schools. Excessive class sizes can impose strain on both staff and resources particularly at the Reception stage. Deykin Avenue JI School is a one-form entry school. We follow the Birmingham Local Authority Guidance on Admissions and places are offered based on the following order of priorities:-

  • Looked after children (in public care). This includes any child who is subject to a Full Care Order or an interim Care Order, accommodated under Section 20 of the Children Act 1989, is remanded or detained into local authority accommodation under Criminal Law or who has been placed for adoption.
  • Any child with a statement of special educational needs is required to be admitted to the school that is named in the statement.
  • Children with an older brother or sister already at the school who will still be in attendance at the time the sibling enters the school. Siblings are considered to be brothers and sisters who live at the same address and either:-
  • have one or both parents in common
  • are related by a parent’s marriage
  • are adopted or fostered by a common parent
  • Children who live nearest the school

Within each of these categories, priority is given to those who live nearest the school, by straight line measurement to one fixed point in the school. In a few cases where the Local Authority has agreed a catchment area for the school, children living within that area have priority over those children living outside it. If vacancies occur because of pupils not taking up places or leaving school, places continue to be allocated according to the above criteria. Admissions to a nursery school or nursery class does not give the child an extra right to transfer to the reception year of the primary school to which the nursery is linked or attached.

Applications for places in other year groups

If you wish to apply for a school place after the normal intake in September, or for a place in any other year group, then you must apply using the Birmingham City Council’s ‘Application for a Change of School’ Form. This form is available from the School Office.

Once completed, the form should be returned to the school. If no places are available, the child will be placed on a waiting list.

Please note, when applying for a Reception class admission or the transfer of children from primary school to secondary school (Year 6 to Year 7) the law states that applications made during the normal admissions round must continue to be coordinated by the Local Authority.

Children’s Information and Advice Service

0121 303 1888 (option 4)



School Admission and Pupil Placements Service
PO Box 16513
Birmingham B2 2FF

Opening Hours:-
Monday to Thursday: 8.45 am to 5.15 pm
Friday: 8.45 am to 4.15 pm
Saturday, Sunday and Bank Holidays: Closed